Durata: 6 ore - Prezzo: € 75 + IVA
Executive and employers
The purpose of the training is to satisfy the requirements of law and to provide all Executives and Employers with a complete update relating to training on safety and health in the workplace necessary to carry out their tasks in the field of health and safety.
After passing a test, each participant will receive a certificate which is valid throughout Italy pursuant to the State-Regions Agreement of 21 December 2011. The documentation will be sent via computer to each user personally, and the Certificate and Training Record can then both be downloaded directly from the platform, in the administrative area.
Parte teorica: Gonzaga (Mantova) - Sala corsi Syrios (la nostra sede)
Parte pratica: Gonzaga  (Mantova) - Fiera Millenaria - Sala Workshop padigione espositivo Fiera MillenariaÂ